Late, but here it goes...
The sun rises in the east, bringing with it the light of a day that knows no limits to its wonders. First to arise with it are the songbirds, slowly waking up to start their melodious song, The forest glimmers with the dew of the previous night, casting light all about. The small waterfall beats down upon the pond in which it fills, a small leaf floating thereof. The pond in turn supplying a small stream with endless liquid. The stream starts out slows, and gradually widens, picking up speed, growing larger and larger until it's a mile wide. A cave appears in the horizon, though it's short. A blinding ray of light appears on the other side, and an entire new world appears in all the glory of imagination. out beyond this new, larger waterfall, fields of untamed wheat cast light back into the sky with it's bronze color, blinding all who look upon it. Farther out, crags of canyons are seen, where the water flows towards. Following the body of water, eagles nest are seen. Still, the current rushes onward, towards a now shimmering sea. Alas, there is but one building that stands out from the beauty that surrounds it. A lonesome lighthouse, now no longer needed, stands tall, crumbling in some areas. Inside are the only two souls that remain of an era past. One male, one female. They cuddle together as the dusk approaches. And yet, the now mighty river joins with the ocean, that big, blue, endless blanket teaming with the creatures it contains. Farther still, when land is no longer visible, the sun sets, slain for a time by the night, yet not without hope. The dark is long, but it doesn't last forever.
And thus repeats the cycle.
Basically, all I'm trying to say is: Kickass job. Really enjoyed it, thugh the mastering was a little rough in some areas (then again, that couold be my earphones acting up). Keep at the good work.